Water security threats at the basin scale necessitate collective action and coordinated investments. In addition, translating the myriad benefits of nature-based solutions (NBS) for water security into economic terms is often required to mobilize support. However, individual stakeholders are often wary of pooling their investments into a single fund without return on investment “ROI” studies, which can be costly, data-intensive and time consuming.
Global environmental NGO The Nature Conservancy invite AWS Members, partners and stakeholders to consider new and in-progress opportunities to collaborate, based on efforts to coordinate collective action and reduce the barriers to evaluate the business case for NBS. The session will encompass tools and investment pathways for NBS, drawing from learning in South Africa and Brasil, and TNC’s collaboration in Indonesia with govt, business and civil society on water resource planning, conservation and usage.
Speakers Include:
Brooke Atwell, Conservation Strategy Manager, Water Security (Seattle, WA US)
Claudio Klemz, Water Policy Specialist (Santa Catarina, Brasil)
Ratih Loekito, Director of Development & Marketing, Indonesia Program (Jakarta, Indonesia)
Naabia Ofosu-Amaah, Senior Corporate Engagement Advisor, Water Security (Arlington, VA US)
Justus Raepple, Conservation Finance Manager, Water Security (San Francisco, CA US)
Louise Stafford, South Africa Water Funds Director (Cape Town, South Africa)