Learn how implementation of the AWS Standard is helping to improve water security and support scaling up for positive impact across the continent.
Good water stewardship is needed across Africa now more than ever. Water insecurity and inadequate access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene (including for Covid-19), is a significant risk multiplier for governments, communities and companies alike.
This webinar was delivered Water Witness who have been supporting, documenting and advising on stewardship strategy in Africa for the last 15 years. It provides an overview of how implementation of the AWS Standard is helping to improve water security for all stakeholders and introduces a strategy for scaling up positive impact across the continent.
- Nick Hepworth, Director of Water Witness and co-founder of AWS
- Esayas Samuel, Regional Programme Manager, AWS Africa
- Rami Narte, Water Stewardship Practice Lead, Water Witness
Moderator: Brenda McIlwraith, Marketing & Communications Manager, AWS